Hello Bubblefun:
....To be CONCERNED with getting out of debt,
you must first be in debt. When first in debt,
you begin to pay that debt down, gauging the
PROPORTION of time REQUIRED to work to pay
the debt down to the payment time versus the
length of your life, arriving at a personally
accptable proportion of your life to be allotted
to work off your debt.
.... As time progresses, the
actual time required to pay off your current debt
decreases as a proportion of your current age.
(This follows because you continue to age against
your will, while you must wilfully incur new debt.)
This reduces the PROPORTION ofYOUR life-time YOU MUST
work to less than that you initially committed to
.....You now face a PARADOX: how can
you do something you beleived was a requirement,
when it is no longer something you must do?
Paradox is resolved by your Incurring New Debt as
You Age.
..... Why Do Things Become Clearer With Age:
While you grow older, so do the Methodologies you
use when Choosing what debt to incurr. Age Refines
your Methodologies, using the less effective such
with less frequency and intensity than those which
are more effective, which you begin to use more
often to incurr a greater proportion of your Current
Debt. Thus, what you Owe for things you dislike is
less,when older, than what you Owe for things you
like. You become quantitatively aware of the New
Greater Difference between what you like and dislike.
Thus, the relative value of THINGS whose debt you
are CONCERNED with becomes CLEARER With Age.