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Chaos Approaches

Major engagements seem to have ended
Minor turbulence clearly has arrived
Non implementation seems appended
Restricting methods under which we thrived

Instead of hightech-ing our surveilance
Infrared, radar and embedded chips
Politic'ly military parlance
Claims an end to violence as safety dips

Soldiers are being approached by dangers
While top down decision control impedes
Rash reaction to the sheep in mangers
Some say such uncertain safety now needs

Things will be tossed if not carried right in
Revisiting methods used quite long ago
Trusted foes become exposed in the din
Much like judas before dead man's blood flow

Both churches and altars fill with candles
Dark rooms are invaded by dancing lights
Invoking creatures and tools with handles
Describing their actions after their fights

We take one deep breath before entering
Caverns of concern knowing death is there
Knowing time may only be centering
Not that fate has learned to be just and fair

10:36 PM 5/3/03