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Media Jockeys Careen

Media spokesmen seem to once again
Have denuded themselves of balanced view
Because they believe their influenced end
Transcends any logic searching purview

Thus in variation based perspectives
Observables become an obstruction
To distortion's impact on electives
Of what counts as truth's mundane instruction

Politicians fail if incompetent
No deviation from skill can survive
Forces, if war, once attacked, don't relent
Delusion finds it difficult to thrive

That which finds health on early morrow's sway
Has substance in reason thru which it lives
When it lacks resistance any one day
Choice in geometry suddently gives

Presence in futures pasts would seldom see
Stepping from under dark rain when freezing
Is fine if someplace exists for entry
Which may well not be when fate is breezing

Thru chaos like fire breezing thru thought's ice
Where holes in tunnel reasoning collapse
Life waters down winnings like throws of dice
Rewriting renditions hocking prelapse

01:25 AM 2/18/03