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Questioned Comprehension

Objects detested for damage to be
Born by hands of such instability
Threatens existence, our reality
According to those with hypocracy

Who knows if the minds of men who will die
Tangle with truth when consumed by forces
In front of whose methods fate will not lie
Which kill with effect lacking remorses

Futility seems advanced to the fore
We watch nations walk into our machines
Men who can't prevent death defend that door
Unable to resist fighting of means

Morality is presented as cause
To destroy another movement's action
Calling to question an oath that once was
Leading our nation thru states of traction

Stretching sinews of networked formalness
Micro modularity analysed
Whatever fails functional normalness
Would cease, no matter if hierarchy prized

Intent at times in greater apprehension
May be set aside by creators of war
Yet don't imagine questioned comprehension
Can prevent intent when reapers deam more

11:09 pm 1/27/03