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Demonstrators Stall War

Reluctant worlds calm movement towards war
False rationales provide the rationale
For warlocks to pause at disaster's door
Not that defeat can be evolved in hell

Where devils walk quietly when we pass
That we choose other sanctoms to haunt
Less we turn upon those who would harass
Hapless travelers heated fate would daunt

As chaos along an interface stalls
When both sides of turbulence precipitate
Systems which indifferently haunt halls
Premised not on nurturing but on hate

Such systems based upon known causal gods
Forsaking gods of organizations
Whose priesthoods have tacts at physical odds
With natural laws of physic's cations

Hallways of hatred apprehended burn
By hanging all memory quickly with rope
Without quarter given because bibles churn
In the hands of pedaphile priests who grope

Seeking mercy from the will of light's warlords
Who judge only records they made by themselves
Without witness lies remove meaning from words
Spewed from past pulpits before bibled shelves

01:09 PM 2/17/03