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Running From Culture

Young Dixie girls were blackballed for their speech
Remarks about our Texas President
Whose apparent positions would beseech
Sound reasons to enforce Death's incident

Death who waits with hungry wolves in formats
Councils recalcitrant born agains peace
Lest potential targets should hide their dormats
Praying their gods grant them new born release

Wisdom, Death observes, prefers thoroughness
Which behooves patience after being armed
To allow Death time to observe duress
While fate, by false priests, seems unduly charmed

Firing at a flock of birds makes them fly
Which is different then what's in Death's mind
For Death would prefer that all bad things die
Bad being functional perspectives find

Where bad is cited by all perspectives
Setting sets of maximum multitudes
So that Death can void being selective
And kill all humans some system exudes

God gives liberty the President cried
Making little sense to world history
In which thirds of nations have often died
Our recovered President's mystery

10:42 AM 3/15/03